Traditional Farming in Variko Florinas

Varecon is a Organic-Agriculture Family run business, based in Variko Florinas, Greece. Our family, with two agronomists and producers of 4th and 5th generation  (father and son respectively) and with the grandparents now… for supervision, combining scientific knowledge with cultivation experience, and the love for the place where we grew up, for its traditions and values, we produce and offer our own products.

Traditional Farming in Variko Florinas

Varecon is a Organic-Agriculture Family run business, based in Variko Florinas, Greece. Our family, with two agronomists and producers of 4th and 5th generation  (father and son respectively) and with the grandparents now… for supervision, combining scientific knowledge with cultivation experience, and the love for the place where we grew up, for its traditions and values, we produce and offer our own products.

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V stands for Village, however V stands for Varecon as well.

In an environment dominated by clean water and fresh air, characterized as Natura2000,at an altitude of 750 meters above sea level, inside a plateau where the difference between day and night temperature is huge ,which is a major environmental factor affecting the quality, using the seeds we have inherited from previous generations along with their cultivation techniques, on small family farms with uncultivated lanes around them for the biodiversity of flora and fauna. 

The cultivation has been necessarily kept organic for the whole village, because             

  • our soils are heavy, so a lot of digging is needed to get the roots oxygenated, renderingherbicidesneedless 
  • our fields are small, with no roads in between, so large machines are inappropriate andforbidde   
  • beans do not even need fertilizers because they produce the nitrogen they need , by their own

Aesthetics is meaningless without ethics.There’s no true beauty if you do not really know what you are eating.The food we eat is part of what we are. Because what we and our children consume today, determines OUR tomorrow. Our core belief is that everyone should have easy access to food that achieves a proper nutrient supply,to food that needs less energy to be cultivated and protects the environment, to food that feeds us well.

Aesthetics is meaningless without ethics.There’s no true beauty if you do not really know what you are eating.The food we eat is part of what we are. Because what we and our children consume today, determines OUR tomorrow. Our core belief is that everyone should have easy access to food that achieves a proper nutrient supply,to food that needs less energy to be cultivated and protects the environment, to food that feeds us well.

Our Location on Map

Contact us

Location name

Varecon products, Variko Florinas

Head Office